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Sixth Jurisdiction of Illinois is built on solid spiritual

leadership, a love and respect for fellowship, strong

auxiliaries and the spirit of unity as our anchor for Kingdom service.


Illinois Sixth Jurisdiction was established in 1966 as the Spirit of the Lord moved upon our presiding Bishop, Bishop J. O. Patterson Sr. and the General Board of our great church to consecrate and appoint the honorable Bishop H. W. Goldsberry as its founding father.


Bishop Goldsberry, a man of great humility and unwavering faith built a jurisdiction that was recognized through-out the brotherhood for its great accomplishments, its wise spiritual leadership and strong faithful churches.

He served the Jurisdiction and the Church of God In Christ faithfully until 1980 when he decided that he had completed his assignment as our Jurisdictional Bishop.  Bishop Goldsberry recommended Administrative Assistant William Haven Bonner to be consecrated and appointed as the next chief servant of Illinois Sixth Jurisdiction, and upon his recommendation, Bishop William Haven Bonner would succeed Bishop Goldsberry as our next leader.


Over the next 36 years, Bishop Bonner would become a spiritual father, mentor, teacher, builder, and a true example of a visionary leader.  Bishop Bonner was a man of peace, a builder of people and always held stedfast and loyal to the principles and doctrine of the Church of God In Christ.  He served the Church of God In Christ with distinction and honor.


Before the Lord called Bishop Bonner from labor to reward, in the spirit of our founding father; he too looked upon a son of the Church and Jurisdiction and humbly requested that Bishop Blake and the General Board of the church appoint Bishop Clowdell Williams Sr. who had already been consecrated as Auxiliary Bishop in 2015 at the request of Bishop Bonner as the next chief servant of Illinois Sixth Jurisdiciton.


At the 109th Holy Convocation of the Church of God In Christ, Bishop Clowdell Williams Sr. was appointed as Jurisdictional Bishop of Illinois Sixth Jurisdiction. 


Bishop Williams is most certainly a spiritual leader anointed and appointed by God to serve the people of God for such a time as this.  He is highly respected, loved and trusted by not only the Pastors and members of our Jurisdiction, but fellow Pastors and members of the college of Bishops through-out the brotherhood.


Bishop Williams continues the legacy and rich history of Illinois Sixth Jurisdiction, and in the words of the Apostle Paul:” EYE HATH NOT SEEN, NOR EAR HEARD, NEITHER HAVE ENTERED INTO THE HEART OF MAN, THE THINGS WHICH GOD HATH PREPARED FOR THEM THAT LOVED HIM “.





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Bishop H. W. Goldsberry

Bishop William Haven Bonner



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